This is a card I did for a challenge that didn't exist...but I thought it did! I really just wanted to say how blessed my life is with my blogging friends. I never knew when I started this almost a year ago where this would lead. It took me weeks to get up nerve to leave a comment on a blog. That sweet, lady is now a very dear friend. You have each encouraged me and blessed me. You have made me laugh (especially you Amanda) I have hurt when you have been hurt. Some of you I may never get a chance to meet face to face, but some of you I know we will meet someday. On a blog the other day I read that when we enter a challenge we should each comment on the card that proceeds our entry. I am going to start doing that and I hope each of you will consider doing the same. Here is a quote from Mother Teresa that would be good for all of us to live by:
"Let no one ever come to you
without leaving better and happier.
Be the living expression of God's kindness;
kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes,
kindness in your smile."
~Mother Teresa
Blessings to each of you!